
President Hideyuki Amamiya

A factory that grows sapphires

Sapphire is a basic component that causes light refraction. This is created entirely from scratch, 0 (zero). Over time, sapphire is synthesized and matured. Craftsmanship of ideas that never existed in the past. The challenges mature the manufacturer. Substrate manufacturing, sheet panels, in-house production of outer boxes, and glass molding, a certain manufacturing philosophy that conforms to craftsmanship. The goal is a department store of technology. I declare that this is just what ATAGO defines as "craftsmanship".

A manufacturer that creates a new world view, "Organized Beauty"

2S Arrangement
Meetings are held to promptly decide on troublesome, useless, and inefficient things.
2S Tidiness
There is an in-house term “Make Even To Right Angles”.

Thorough and maintainable Organized Beauty.
It feels good, so we will continue.
We declare to sustain the pursuit of continued aesthetic awareness in the workplace for our employees.

Oh ~ I knew it… a manufacture that created that "I thought so"

Always think about the mechanism that embodies everyone's ''Ah ~ that's it!" in detail. What all employees have experienced this and that… The idea of someone becomes a product. And later the product is beloved in society. I declare that the company endorses the process all the way till the end.

A company that consider employee as a brand

Let's work with good mood, "Let's consult with each other", "You are so considerable" have been the root of our behavioral policies. I want all employees to respect each other. I declare that ATAGO strives to create such an environment and atmosphere.

A company that nurtures oneself ten years later

We ask '' What do you do with this company? How is your work utilized in society?" and strive to think the answer together. The ratio of male and female employee is almost the same. The average age of management is 32.9 years old. The middle plays an active role and pulls the company. A future that is a little far, but close is spanned by an organization composed of young people. I declare that we are a company that always have flexibility.

A company where employees can have confidence in the company

How much am I valued by the company? An employee who thinks and works for the company. A company that imagines and returns the lives of employees. I declare that we advocate and respect this basic spirit and continue to be the source of sustainability.